Sunday 21 October 2012

Blog Questions//5

Does my blog communicate my progress as a designer?


  1. I think it does because you have explained and justified all of your design decisions on your personal work, showing that you are gaining knowledge as a designer.

  2. Your Practice blog shows how you work from initial ideas through to completion whilst your PPP blog details you overall development through the research found in your Context blog. As a whole I think your blogs do show your progress as a designer

  3. It doesn't particularly show progress at the minute because we've only been here a few weeks, but with the way you're showing your development processes, final ideas and just the way you're organising your blog i think it will be easy to see your progress as a designer as we get further into the course.

  4. You've shown a lot development work through your Practice blog, you've clearly shown you're progress, even if it's the early stages.

  5. Yes as Andy said we haven't been here long so development may be hard to see, but as far as your work being developed over a set brief or task it is clear to see, you gather a lot of information for the design context blog and as your work has progressed towards a final outcome there has been a clear progression.
